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Friday, FEB 07 2K25 - cheesy quesadillas

long week! hungry!! the whole cost of food situation in the US is comical. made some baller corn banana pancakes today, and i still have some leftover batter for tomorrow. our local grocery store has some pretty good cheese prices for their little discount last chance mystery cheeses, so we've been eating quesadillas!!! this week i'm also cooking with plantains and yuca for the first time. the plantains are definitely a littleee underripe but i have some more and i'm letting them ripen up before i try again. excited to eat yuca too, i neverrrrr get access to less-common Latin produce in the US.

replacing eggs in my cooking has been honestly not that bad, minus the fucking impossible task of replacing eggs in burger batter. we've just started eating goat meat more tho, and that has helped with the whole 'can't make burgers without egg binder' thing. goat is awesome!! also another Carribbean classic lol. the cost of all tropical fruits are going up, and even bananas are 2x as expensive now TTToTTT but anyways, oat pulp is an excellent egg replacement in baking. ideal even?? we make oat milk so it's also an eggcellent (hehe) way to use the oat pulp leftover. it keeps breads pretty moist and makes them more nutritious. YUM.

in other news, got into it with a TERF online this week and it was pretty funny how threatened she and her cronies got lmao. still working on this whole 'coping with people being mad at me' and this is some great field practise i wont lie. i'm pretty sure this online fight directly helped my ability to stay calm when some pigs pulled me over this week too. "u cAnT dRiVe Like tHaT hErE, We DoNt dRiVe LiKe ThAt herE" like stfu PIG we both know ur lying rn. ugh anyways it was fine i got rly lucky and they didnt even wanna give me a ticket bc it would be too much paperwork with my situation lmfaooooo lazy ass cops.

and fuck TERFs too. anyone who doesnt call out TERF behavior is a coward.


Thursday, JAN 24 2K25 - blog creation Pt 2!!!!

Today I'm finishing my blog page, including learning some JS for the first time ever :o this is pretty exciting, and so far is manageable! I'm actually RIGHT about to start applying the literal JS code tho so we'll see how easy it REALLY is.........

Oh btw I made my website mobile friendly aka "rEsPoNsIvE" XD


I pretty much don't understand the JS i used but i know it WORKS and eventually I am 100% sure i'll come back and be like 'haha i completely understand this and here's a better way to do it even' because that's just how learning is ime. i got that first win tho, and that's all i need for rn >:3c

Ugh, i go back to work in a couple days and im super not excited, tho i doooo love moneyyyyyy hehehehehe.

Thursday, JAN 23 2K25 - blog creation!!!!

Today I made my Blog Page!! Not sure when it'll actually drop, but for rn it does exist on my computer :3c

In other news, I recently deleted my Insta :( but it's actually been really nice ngl. i haven't been stressed out thinking about the DMs i'm ignoring and the posts i need to post in order to 'grow my profile' (which btw doesn't work anyways!! i've been at 640~ followers for almost a year now, so clearly it doesn't mean shit fr). i dont necessarily care about follower count, but it does tell me that my efforts are in vain because my account is not reaching anyone anyways. fuck im glad to be rid of insta. Bsky is my temp Social Media (TM) but even that bitch's days are numbered...........

So now i'm here and i just realised i need to learn JS probably to make this blog page work well, which ughghghghghghhgghgh okay fine i already knew i was going to need to learn it soon anyways. also going to make my site.... mobile.... friendly .... *vomits* but its a good skill to have and accessibility is important to me. i just hate challeneges fr.


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